Potter’s Bridge Training Ride July 15, 2014

Mike’s Pictures

Bob’s Pictures

Tonight we had a special guest photographer along with the “same ‘ol Mike”.

R Wesley Thompson; past CIBA member, long-time friend and otherwise known as Bob; graciously volunteered to assist in the evening’s photography chores.

We both shot from separate locations and attempted to “leap-frog” our locations in order to provide a better assortment of shooting positions. Tonight’s light was less than optimal with moderate cloud cover which greatly diminished the available light (always an increasing problem as the evening progresses). The “leap-froging” was moderately successful and some new shooting locations were tried. It’s always a learning experience but, as usual, it was great fun. Thanks to all the riders for putting up with us!

I’m providing separate photo albums for the two photographers but the subjects are the same in both… YOU!

We hope you enjoy our efforts.

- Bob and Mike